Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What I'm up to

Izyperspective will be quiet around here for a couple of weeks. She's leaving for a cross-country trip in two days. She will file reports from the major cities on her itinerary. She's really excited about the museums, art galleries and cathedrals she will visit en route, and wants to share with you. She's not travelling with her personal computer so how spotty her reports will be will depend on the ease of access to Blogger along the trail.

Before she bids "So Long," she leaves you with this from the Gems of Devotion:
Subjects for Daily Meditation
Remember, Christian soul, that thou hast this day, and every day of thy life:
  • God to glorify
  • Jesus to imitate
  • The angels and saints to invoke
  • A soul to save
  • A body to mortify
  • Sins to expiate
  • Virtues to acquire
  • Hell to avoid
  • Heaven to gain
  • Eternity to prepare for
  • Time to profit of
  • Neighbors to edify
  • The world to despise
  • Devils to combat
  • Passions to subdue
  • Death perhaps to suffer
  • Judgment to undergo

Fully aware that the last two subjects especially may become reality at any time, at home or on the road, Izy asks that you pray for her and her husband, KDM. In prayers we're united.

Till next time, So Long, my friends.


  1. Adios, muchacha bonita! Vaya con Dios!

    You will return safe and sound - we have too much to discuss!! (hugs)

  2. Sweet and swift you!! Why are you not in bed? I'm headed there!

    Hugs back to you!

  3. Enjoy your trip. Be safe. And I loved reading your article. Yes, the last two subjects are powerful...You are a wise person. - Jane


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