Sunday, June 6, 2010

the prodigal returns

I know, there really ISN'T any excuse for negligence of this magnitude. Yes, I have been busy, but no one can be THAT busy, not an artist anyway, not I can seriously claim to have been anyway. So instead of giving an explanation, I'd simply get on with next paragraph.

Dear blog, here I am, your prodigal owner. I've come back to say that I am sorry for all that unexplained absence and negligence, and to find out if I have anything to say still. I don't know. I'm just gratified to be back where I once again laid eyes on the familiar and beloved blogger names neatly stacked up in the sidebar. Memories of warm friendship and kindred spirit in the shade of the header's green, hand-picked by me, put me in somewhat nostalgic mood.

On a more definitive note, I have started painting again. And for a painter of my rhythm, a long hiatus means a difficult re-start. The first painting is always difficult to kick off and to carry through. The good news is that I've done three so far. I don't know what to think of them yet because I don't want to be bogged down by doubts. I have to keep on moving so the vultures of the Lord of Inspiration Killer would not swoop down on me and snatch me to the shore of Failure and Despair.

Have I said enough to win your sympathy, and forgiveness to follow?


  1. Well, well,'s about dang time I'd say:-)

    Here I am, checking almost every day to see if you've come to your blogging senses yet - and today - REWARD! AND, you say you are finally getting around to your art blog - good news!

    I'm desperate for blogging connections since my own blog is now officially dead. I won't even open it up to close it down because I'm afraid of the stupid thing!(I do check my stats through my cell phone tho - interestingly enough, people are still reading it.) I'm far too cowardly to try again - even on Blogger, but let me tell you, I miss it. There are a zillion things that have gone through my head that I would have loved to write about.

    That's life, I guess.

    Glad yer back!!

  2. Sweet and long-lost pal, so good to see you around. You stats must have reported my lingering presence over the deserted angel's track. Thinking of you time and again, late as during this morning's Mass. If you could believe, I actually composed the beginning of an email pointing your way. Oh yeah, you missed telling stories, have you heard that email is still a viable form of communication? I for one want to know what's on your mind, else why would I compulsively clicking on that button of your blog?

    All jests aside, you've been missed!

  3. email? email? whuszat?

    Seriously, I thought of an email blog but that seems kind of pushy - I wouldn't know how to make it accessible without just sending it out to everyone.

    I hope you finish the one you started and send it soon!


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